The Rollercoaster Ride of Awakening

Do you think that spiritual awakening is a comfortable, zen experience that feels great? Think again!

The process of breaking down the illusion of the mind, letting go of old beliefs and programming, and finding out who you really are is more like a rollercoaster ride with more ups and downs than you can imagine. One day you might feel like you are losing your mind and the next you are high on life and love! It's a radical, mind-blowing experience! Literally~

My own awakening process was intense and otherworldly. Although I had been "spiritual" for most of my adult life, seeking truth and constantly growing, the first major shift in my awareness came in like one of those corkscrew curves on the coaster where we feel completely disoriented. There were things were happening around me that were not third-dimensional, and I could not figure any of it out mentally. All logic was out the window!

As my awareness was opening up, I felt like I was in a battle with things that I could not see. As a world-class Executive Recruiter, I had unknowingly been using my intuition for years and just "knew" when a deal was going to close. All of a sudden there was obvious interference that made no sense. Everything in my life was being affected including my finances, health, and even my housemates and family were being interfered with in very strange ways. When I finally figured out that there was more to this than what meets the eye, I enrolled in a metaphysical training program where I learned how to read and manage energy, and over the course of the next eighteen months, I learned how to shift energy and heal myself and others.

Did the rollercoaster ride stop there? NO! There were many times when I felt extreme panic as I plummeted downward. During that time I lost my lucrative career just after buying a home in a high-end city, and when I would look for a position as a recruiter, I would become nauseous. I “knew” that I could not go back to that life or way of living! At the same time, I had not yet mastered the new way of living in my true power and was doing my best to trust the wild ride that I did not understand. I could not see where each dip or turn was taking me. I had to blindly trust in myself and the journey! Just like a rollercoaster ride, I was locked in with no way to get off the ride and had to endure all of those extreme shifts until that part of the ride was over!

The rollercoaster ride is the transformation that you are going through as you awaken. It typically begins with some major crisis in your life. Maybe you have lost a loved one, income, health, or something very important to you. This gets your attention and begins to open your awareness up. Your normal problem-solving methods no longer work, so you try to find other solutions to stabilize yourself, yet nothing helps. Then you find out that this experience is taking you much deeper than you realized, and you become aware that you are waking up from the illusion that you are your mind, thoughts, body, and emotions. You begin to see things differently, yet you are sometimes confused and feel like you may be losing your mind. The good news is that you are! Losing your mind is exactly what awakening is! It is detaching from all of the embedded belief systems that have limited you and keep you stuck.

The rollercoaster ride is meant to disorient you and shake you up! It is the only way to finding out who you really are and how to access your limitless power. At the same time, it is the path to peace within, joy as a default, and true unconditional love. It is the only way to connect with the "source" of energy that provides all that you need physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Once the ride is over you will become more clear than ever before, and life becomes a magical journey beyond your wildest dreams.

So, if you are on the rollercoaster ride of awakening, or even just think that this may be what is happening to you, get ready for more adventure. Nothing in your life will ever be the same! If the ride becomes too frightening or unstable, there are ways to ground, center, and clear the energy that is welling up inside of you. I am here to help!

Whether you need an accelerated course so that you can get through your awakening process without losing it all, or just need a boost now and then, I have the ability to support you through your rollercoaster ride of awakening.

If you are a high-profile individual who cannot disconnect from your responsibilities and needs to stabilize quickly, you may be a candidate for my proprietary program - The Freedom Power Process.



How I Became A Metaphysician & Psychic


Ascension, Awakening, and Christianity