Meet Me,

Cathie Marie

What I Do


I am Cathie Marie, a highly skilled energy healer, consciousness coach, and teacher of metaphysics. I combine my expertise in energy healing with decades of teaching and coaching experience to facilitate profound transformation and empower individuals on their spiritual journeys.

With years of experience and a deep-rooted passion for metaphysical studies, I have honed my abilities to perceive and work with subtle energies. Through various modalities such as Reiki, chakra balancing, and intuitive multidimensional healing, I assist individuals in releasing energetic blockages, restoring balance, and promoting holistic well-being.

As a teacher, I am committed to sharing my knowledge and empowering others to tap into their innate healing abilities. I offer one-on-one mentoring, providing comprehensive guidance on metaphysical principles, energy healing techniques, and spiritual development.

My approach is rooted in compassion, empathy, and a deep respect for my clients' unique journeys. I create a safe and nurturing space, fostering personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual expansion.

With a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, I encourage individuals to explore the depths of their consciousness, expand their awareness, and align with their true essence. Through coaching, teaching, and healing sessions, I inspire individuals to embrace their inner power, find inner peace, and manifest their highest potential.

If you are seeking an experienced energy healer and teacher, I am here to guide you on your path to empowerment, freedom, and spiritual growth.

It is my life mission to bring struggling souls to Oneness.

My entire life was falling apart!

The chaos of my spiritual awakening was accelerating, yet I could not even “see” what was causing it. I felt I was being attacked by some unseen force, was struggling with severe PTSD and loneliness, and the only people I thought could help me had no idea what was happening. At the time, I was the number one Executive Recruiter in the world. This rollercoaster ride of awakening led to a sharp decline in my performance. This ultimately caused me to lose my job, and eventually, sell everything I owned and move to a remote beach in Costa Rica to heal myself.

Over several years, my journey taught me to read, move and transmute energy through metaphysics and experience many forms of mystical healing. It took years of isolation, restoration, and communing with Source to emerge as the powerful, peaceful creator I am today. I have learned to trust my intuition and quantum tools, instead of my human intellect which I had previously believed was my greatest asset. I have cleared countless traumas, fears, and extreme loneliness and opened up to embodying freedom and my inherent power. Now I am able to effectively guide others to do the same.

Throughout my awakening, I have found the keys to consciousness and created a personalized process that is effective, efficient, and easy. I coach awakening souls to free themselves of their overwhelm, overthinking, and discontent so that they may remain productive during their transformation, uncover their limitless power and true genius, and create joy and balance in every aspect of their lives. My heart-centered offerings are intuitively guided, and it is my mission to bring awakening souls to Oneness.

Move from overwhelm, crisis, and the feeling of losing control

to a place of limitless energy and deep inner peace through the

Freedom Power Process

The one-on-one Consciousness Coaching program

that expands the powerful, true self

and aligns the soul to access its creative genius.