Ascension, Awakening, and Christianity

A few days ago I found this download on some papers that I had ripped out of a journey. I do not know when I received it, and when I read it, I was astounded. I don't even remember writing it. Here it is in its entirety. Anything in parenthesis is added by me. The rest is directly from Source. Enjoy!

I saw a huge root system below a person that extended out as large as his aura bubble. I could see the person within the person, all of the bodies so to speak, vested in each other, and the 5D body literally extending out beyond the physical body with a powerful light energy that goes infinitely. Tap into your true power. It is not mental or of the mind. It is cosmic and quantum. In fact, turning down the analytical mind is the only way to access this energy, and you do have “control” of that. This is how we will change the world and save the planet. All of whom we called the great “minds” in history (Einstein, Tesla, etc.) have actually been people who have gone beyond the mind to tap into the infinite consciousness and wisdom to bring down the “ideas” and innovation from a higher realm. If we are to save the planet earth from destruction, this is the only way to do so.

Another key to this shift is to clear all trauma, imbalance, frequencies, pain, guilt, etc, out of this human/physical body, mind, emotions, and chakras, which run the spiritual body at a DNA level. (We must) open it up to receive multidimensional light which then continues this process. Few people will be able to constantly shift into this enlightened state as the physical body must adjust. Yet there will be a few big players who do not have the 3D time to wait. In these cases, their bodies will endure an intense trauma, yet they will seemingly miraculously recover almost overnight. This is a part of their plan. The rest will go through a quick, yet less intense shift so that the number of light beings on the planet may bring the shift into the 5th Dimension.

Those who are followers of Christianity, not in belief, yet in the heart, must let go of how they think this new heaven and new earth will come in. This new heaven and new earth will take place right here yet in another dimension. It is very close. Yet, believing in Jesus and salvation is not the key to rising. The key is being full of unconditional love and light and forgiveness energies that Jesus taught about. Pure love, forgiveness, and filling with Divine light are what will prepare and allow each person TO BE. The word “rapture'' means feelings of intense pleasure or joy. The rising into the new life is exactly that. There is no longer the pain, suffering, or devastation in the lives of those who arise. The old earth will still exist and go on. The “rapture” will take the “believers” to the new dimension where they will be inhabiting the earth on another level - a whole different frequency. So letting go and allowing our higher self and Source/Spirit/God energy to guide us in our hearts is the key to the ascension process. Full support is at our disposal. All we need to do is give in - surrender - let go of ego belief systems.

The ego stubbornly holds on for dear life to what it believes. It feels threatened by new or different ideas. It has trouble when anything arises that challenges its programs and beliefs. It thinks it/you will die if it gives in to beliefs contrary to what is embedded in the body, mind, and emotions. Yet it is here to help us, to protect us, and enable us to live on earth. Once the ascension fully takes place the ego is no longer necessary. It is a tool for survival on earth. There will be no more struggle with it. Its job is done once we have ascended into the new earth - the 5th Dimension. The goal now is to surrender. It is essential to let/teach the ego now that full trust in Source and Higher Self is its true redeemer. Trusting is redemption. The picture of Jesus was that he fully trusted “God”. He surrendered to death of the ego, and be filled with the light/Spirit, and ascended. He showed us how to embody Spirit and power in a physical body here on earth. The ultimate feeling of aloneness/loneliness is the process of ego death. There is no comfort or help from another. It is only an illusion that anyone can be with us. Yet Source is patiently waiting on the other side of that death to fill in the new, open space within that body.

We must allow old, stuck energy and limiting beliefs to leave our space so that light and love, and freedom may flow in. Most of us are fighting the one thing that will make a difference - the one thing that will set us free. Take a moment to think right now…What is your biggest challenge right now? Is it health, money, relationship, job, business, home? Whatever is bugging you, irritating you, constantly in front of you, is your catalyst to bring you into your true destiny. And, the more you fight and whine and complain and question it, the further you are from bringing in what you really want. The key is surrender. The key is letting go. Drop the freakin’ mike! When I say surrender, picture that event. You are in a war fighting for your life, and all of a sudden, you realize…I can’t win! Why am I fighting so hard? Your fears arise… Am I a failure? Am I no good? Am I a weakling? What will happen to me? My victory is impossible. Then you put down your weapons. You drop all defenses. You throw up your hands toward the sky and say, “I give up! I quit! I am done fighting. I surrender…” And whatever happens next is no longer in your control. The fight is over.

What happens next is a flood of freedom. The space that you must hold for yourself is that of unconditional self-love and your spirit, coupled with Source, knows exactly how to do that. Allow Source to flood in to fill where you just let go of. It will happen in an instant. Feel the peace, the joy, and even bliss that fills your heart center and radiates into your entire body. Take the time to embrace this flood of energy that lifts you up and allows you to rise from the dead. This is ascension! This is enlightenment! It is a personal experience.

Downloaded from Source through Cathie Marie


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