Non-Attachment - The Key to Peace

For most people, finding peace is so elusive. Millions of people are living in constant anxiety, fear, and stress not even knowing what is causing their discomfort. They are dependent upon alcohol, drugs, TV, exercise, constant activity, eating for comfort, or anything that temporarily pulls them out of the feelings that live inside. Yet, these temporary "fixes" are just that...temporary.

What if there were a way to truly LET IT GO? We see these words, and we have all heard the song, yet still wonder "HOW?" How do I do that? How do I really let go?

One of the keys (and there are several) is non-attachment. When you let go, what are you letting go of? You are actually letting go of attachments.

Most people are unconsciously attached to many aspects of their lives. It's not just people that they are attached to, although that is a big one. They are attached to their view of themselves... I am a good person... I am honest... I am a mother... I am a hard worker... I am loyal... They are attached to status material things like homes, cars, and clothing. They are attached to outcomes and expectations. They are attached to how others view them. The list goes on and on.

These attachments create a ton of energetic pull on your soul, mind, body, and emotions. There are times that you do things that you really do not want to do because of the energy of attachment.

Here is a great example... The rabbit hole begins with the attachment. Joe is still unhealthily attached to his mother even though he is a successful, grown man of forty years old. He has plans for the day, has already let mom know that he cannot attend a family function. Mom calls on the morning of the family event and turns on the guilt trip. The dynamics of attachment kick in, and Joe subconsciously cannot be true to himself, or to the commitment to his desired plan, because mom is threatening to break the family attachment. This triggers fear of abandonment and rejection, fear of losing his own identity and reputation (I am loyal to my family, I am a good boy, I obey my mother). Mom actually uses the attachment against him to manipulate him into changing his plans. This entire scenario strengthens the attachment and steals another piece of Joe's freedom to choose how he wants to live his life. The cords of attachment become stronger and eventually strangle him like a boa constrictor.

What is your reaction when attachments are threatened? What if you lost your income/job/ability to earn money today? How much fear and panic would arise within you? How about losing a loved one? Have you ever said something like this? "If (my husband, my child, mother, pet, lover) died, I couldn't go on. I would die."? I have! How about losing your possessions? Most of us think that we would be just fine if our home burnt to the ground, or if we lost our favorite things, yet, in reality, there are losses that would shake us down to our foundation. What about your reputation? What if you lost that? Could you deal with this type of loss if it began to affect every aspect of your life?

One of the most freeing aspects of my self-healing journey has been embracing non-attachment. I have gone through many rounds of it over the past few years, releasing layer after layer. I have lost lovers, high-paying jobs, my mother, two of my closest friend within a week, my home, my favorite vehicle of all time, almost all of my material possessions, and the list goes on!

What is non-attachment? Non-attachment is the ultimate LET IT GO energy. It is pure peace. It believes that no matter what comes and goes in and out of our 3D experience, we are safe. It is the ability to enjoy all of the beauty of love, relationships, experiences, material possessions, and even our own identity without clinging, expecting, or dependence. It is the essence of freedom! Non-attachment knows that there is no guarantee of permanence in this world. People and pets die. Financial status and jobs can change in the blink of an eye. The things that we place our security in are typically fleeting. Friends and lovers come and go, even those that we believed would be with us until “death do us part.”

Is it possible to live in the energy of non-attachment?

The answer is absolutely YES!

You are a powerful light being. You have the ability to choose to release all attachments! Does this mean that you will love less or care less about the people and things in your life? What will happen is that the way you love and care will shift into new, healthy energy.

Does this mean you will lose everything and suffer? Quite the contrary... Suffering comes from attachment.

Is non-attachment frightening to experience? Possibly... When your lessons present themselves, you will quickly find out how attached you are by how much fear rises up. Yet there is good news even in feeling the fear! This is the most wonderful part of this entire process! The fear that rises up is presenting itself to be cleared out! And even better, the entire multiverse is here to support your ascension and growth into a place of true non-attachment.

Does it take courage and strength to embark on this journey? It surely does!

Remember that you are a powerful superhero just waiting to remember your powers. This journey is one of the paths to freedom, love, joy, and bliss that is essential to your ascension!


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