Full Moon Release

Did you ever experience laughing so hard that you cried? Or laughing so hard that you can't stop? I have!

If you haven't, you are missing out on one of the greatest experiences in life. When you are laughing uncontrollably, you are in the energy of pure joy and hilarity. The tears just start flowing, and you may even release other fluids from your body! Once the "release" begins, there is no reason to fight it. Yet the social situation is sometimes not the best place for this to happen, or is it?

At that moment, you still have a choice, although sometimes it's impossible to exercise much control. When you finally let go completely, it feels so good! Then even your so-called :inappropriate laughter” becomes funny, and you laugh even more.

These types of situations usually happen over the silliest things. I can remember one of them when I literally could not stop laughing. At the time I was home educating my children, and we went with a friend and her sons to a senior citizen activity center where we were to see a slide presentation of Ireland. One of the members had just visited there and was going to "show and tell" all about the trip. The group invited us to a luncheon, and we were told to come early as there would be entertainment. In my mind, I envisioned someone playing bagpipes, but what I saw when I walked into the facility sent me reeling with laughter.

There were about fifteen ladies from ages that I would have guessed to be 65-90 years old dressed up in cowgirl attire - boots, hats, and fringe, line-dancing to upbeat country music. This was the furthest thing from my expectation that there could have been. It hit my funny bone, and I was losing it! Yet, I had to try to hold my laughter in. I was in a social situation where I couldn't just laugh out loud! As my friend, our kids, and I settled in, I did my best to contain my giggling, yet every time I would look at the cowgirls, it started right back up! My friend didn't get it, and there was no logical explanation. It just hit me as hysterical, and I could not stop laughing.

Just when I thought I might be able to contain myself, we were asked to join the dancers and learn a line-dance. Our little group got up there and that was it! Between the group of fringe swinging, boot-scooting cowgirl seniors, my kids joining in, and me trying to learn the steps, I began laughing out loud. Of course, everyone just thought that I was having a good time. I was finally able to let go and just laugh. I laughed so hard that tears started rolling down my face. It felt so good! I surrendered to the emotion.

As I read energy, an experience like the one above is a fantastic way to let go. Contrary to some belief systems around healing and releasing pain, trauma, etc., letting go can be easy and fun. You have probably heard about people laughing themselves from sickness to health. The energetic release doesn't have to be so serious, Batman! Joy flushes out sadness. Peace flushes out the anxiety. Love flushes out abandonment. Sometimes all it takes is to prime the pump to begin the release with an influx of the opposite energy!

Do you hold feelings in and stuff them down? Whether they are emotions that feel good or feel bad, the problem with holding them in is that you are stuffing energy into yourself. Emotions are meant to be felt and expressed. They are a part of your evolution in this human body. Most people are stuffed with so many unexpressed emotions that they are ready to explode. Sadly, most of these emotions are low-frequency energies that cause us pain, depression, sickness, and anxiety.

These six days surrounding every full moon are a great time to release the old, stuck energy that you have held in for way too long. How would you like to do that?

Laugh so hard that you cry?

Turn on that old favorite song and dance it out?

Jump into a puddle and create the freedom of childlike innocence?

There is no command from the Universe that says letting go has to be some hard work that you are responsible for.

Be silly! Give in! Surrender! Become childlike!

Allow the feelings and memories to flow out of your body and mind. Experience the freedom and space that is created as they exit. Allow the opposite energy to flood in. There is no effort in this. It will just happen once you give your attention to it.

The next time that you are tempted to hold in an emotion, ask yourself this... Is there a way for me to express this emotion or let it go easily and freely? Does it really matter what people think? If it truly is not an appropriate time or place, commit to letting it go later when you are alone and free to do so. Most importantly find something amusing to laugh about. When we shift from seriousness to laughter, we create a huge shift in our energy that sets us on a path of joy and freedom!

It is time to let go of the old, and bring in the new energies of freedom that allow you to open up to your authentic self. The full moon is here to support you. Notice what comes up over the next few days, and just let go with laughter! You are on the path of freedom!

Happy Full Moon!


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