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Consciousness With Cathie

Sometimes it is a personal story, or inspiration from nature, or a Multidimensional Energy Transmission that makes a difference in your life. Other times it is a simple statement or a new way of looking at a timeless concept. It is my intention to light you up, help you transform, and ultimately find Oneness. Enjoy!

Cathie Marie Cathie Marie

Moving Through Grief: Self-Care for Your Heart, Mind, and Body

Grief is exhausting—it drains your body, mind, and spirit in ways you never expected. Whether you’re mourning a loved one, the end of a relationship, or a dream that didn’t come to life, the weight of it can feel overwhelming. But grief isn’t just something to endure; it’s something to move through with care and compassion for yourself.

In this two-part blog series, we explore practical and spiritual ways to navigate grief—how to honor your energy, release emotions, lean on support, and reconnect with the love that never leaves you. You are not alone, and healing is possible, even in the deepest sorrow. 💙

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“Her style was grounded and confident while healing, validating, and relevant to the changes and new endeavors I am taking on in my life.”

— Geo C., Gay Drag Queen Shaman Chaplain

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