Letting Go - It’s That Time of Year

Letting go isn’t always easy! For many of us, our past traumas make change difficult. How do I know? Because I’ve been there. It’s been a rollercoaster of a ride learning how to truly let go, and when new layers of energy come up for release, it is evident that this is a practice and a journey, not a destination! Our programming from childhood is one of the biggest factors affecting how we react to this process. It should be as easy as the trees dropping their leaves, but for many of us, it is not. Think about the mighty Oak tree... Its leaves do not fall until the new buds actually push them off in the spring!

That’s how it is for some of us. When it’s time to change we must be pushed. When it’s time to let go we must be forced. Just know that if the circumstances of your life feel like they’re pushing you into a new realm, it is all for your good. Your soul is orchestrating your spiritual growth. Part of that growth includes death...death of the old hurts and fears that hold you back... the death of the ego...the death of old relationships that no longer serve you... the death of old habits and beliefs... Autumn is a time to acknowledge death.

It is possible to just surrender? Just like the leaves falling off of colorful trees in the fall, you have the power to willingly let go. If it seems hard, just envision the colorful trees, and insert your situation into those leaves and watch them fall. They will float away with the wind. They will land softly on the ground. The pain and suffering that you experience only come from holding on and resisting what is. This is called attachment! You are a powerful being! You can let go!

Have a fantastic fall day! Happy letting go!

#metaphysicalhealing #cathiemarie #change #selfhealing #freedom


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