Are You Stuck in Your “HEAD”er? - Lessons from a Piece of Paper #2


Many of us place a high value on intelligence, thinking, and logic, yet there is nothing that holds us back from peace and joy more than living in our "head"er! Our head, which I affectionately call "The Thinker", really believes that it is in charge of the show. Somehow it has taken over the throne, believing that it is the ruler of our lives. There are times that it cannot be turned down, let alone shut off. It tells us to worry and live in the past or in the future rather than embracing the present moment. Sometimes "The Thinker" won't allow us to sleep or calm down. It really seems to have control issues at times!

Sure, "The Thinker" has its perks! It's wonderful for solving problems, learning, and running thousands of functions in our body, yet it really needs to learn to be a team player! In reality, "The Thinker" is a tool - A tool for our true essence to use to create our desires on planet earth. We are not our mind or our brain. We are powerful beings living in a human body with a phenomenal tool that can be trained!

How do we get out of the "head"er? We do this by dropping down into the body, and specifically into the heart center in the middle of the chest. This is where our true essence connects with Source energy. This is where we are free to feel what we truly desire. This is where peace and joy and love reside, and the more time we spend in our heart centers, the more these energies expand. Inspiration, creativity, and innovation come from that divine connection within the heart. Once we drop out of the "head"er and into the heart, we can actually connect the two and tap into our true potential, and there is science that proves this!

Can we turn down "The Thinker"? Are there ways to stop the madness? Absolutely! Some suggestions are to be the observer of your thoughts without attaching to them, meditation, following the breath, engaging in activities that require you to be in the present moment. All of these things will train that stubborn "Thinker" to start to let go of its non-stopbneed to be the boss. Even just being aware of it in this way, and addressing it will help!

Try this..."Ok, Thinker, you are out of control... Calm down. All is well." Remember, it will take practice to teach your "Thinker" to give up the throne, and it will not happen overnight. Yet the benefits are great. Peace, joy, connection, creativity, inspiration, freedom, and even self-healing will eventually become the default!

So, let's start to practice getting out of our "head"er today!


"To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him." Buddha

"If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing." Marc Chagall

If you are an analytical, Type A leader who can’t get out of your head, I have created the Freedom Power Process, which is an accelerated 7-week program to learn how to free yourself from the non-stop thinking, anxiety, and worry, and create a life of peace and access to limitless power.


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