Are You Living Marginally? -Lessons From A Piece of Paper #1

A margin is the lower limit of possibility or success by definition.

Are you living “marginally” which means "only to a limited extent?

Most people are living below their full potential. It is a known fact that we are using only a small portion of our brain.

If you look at this piece of paper, the margin encompasses a very small space compared to the body of the page. Fear, lack of confidence, and the old, subconscious belief systems in our heads keep us in this small, confined space. These are the types of stuck energies that hinder us from rising to fulfill our true destiny.

Are there things that you would love to do in life yet shut them down instantly thinking that there is no way to make them happen? What if there were a way to erase these limits? What if you could create a life where you could do want to do, instead of only what you have done in the past? Our programming and lack of accessing our limitless power are the two things holding us back from achieving our hearts’ desires.

What if there were a way to jump over that margin line and start embodying your true potential and creating the life that you really want?

Check out Lesson 2

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