Finding The Ultimate Connection

We all want it - the ultimate connection! Whether it's romantic love that comes into the forefront during this Valentine's Day, or the love of a parent, child, or friend, it's a basic human need. 

What is love? 

Is it that ooey-gooey feeling we meet the special someone that makes our temperature rise and our heart skip a beat?

Is it that deep emotion we felt when we held our newborn baby for the first time? 

Could it be that more profound feeling of connectedness that we have with our best friend? 

What happens when these feelings fade? Is it still love when the partner turns on us, or when that baby becomes a rebellious teenager? Is it still love when your best friend exits your life with a big blowout or even with no explanation at all?

Here's the truth about love.

  • You ARE love

  • Love is inside of you

  • Love is all around you

  • Love is energy

  • Love is a frequency

  • You can access love anytime you want it

The only reason you don't feel love all of the time is because other energies are suppressing it. 

Do you remember "Oscar The Grouch" from Sesame Street? This fuzzy green character lives in a garbage can. No wonder he is unhappy! It is the same with us! We are pure love covered up with a bunch of garbage. This garbage is sadness, loneliness, stress, anxiety, fear, pressure, pain, etc. And just like Oscar, we have lived with it for so long that we are used to it. It is our subconscious default. Most people only feel love when something out of the ordinary happens. When the brain chemicals signal the sensations, we "feel" the emotion and physical sensations of "love." 

Is there a way to find the ultimate connection without depending upon a human relationship? 

The answer is YES!

When you clear out the garbage, which is just energy, it opens a clear pathway to the connection inside yourself to pure, unconditional love!

Many years ago, I was struggling with some unusual situations in my life. Even though I seemingly had it all, a great career, excellent income, respect, status, great relationships, and lots of fun, there was something off, and I sought out help. After working with a person who cleared energy, I woke up the following morning in total bliss. The feeling of pure love filled my chest and radiated through my entire body. I knew something big had shifted. Lying in bed, I continued to experience the most intense feeling of love that I had ever felt in my life. I knew it was Source/God/Infinite Intelligence energy. Getting up to go to work was very difficult that day! I didn't want that feeling to end. 

This experience continued day after day, and on the weekends, I would stay in bed wallowing in love! It was heavenly! The garbage that had cleared left enough open space for me to start accessing the unconditional love inside me. Incredibly I did not have to meditate or do anything at all to reach this state.

As time passed, my journey led me to a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, and there were times that I could not access this love energy as easily. Sometimes I was clearing so much that it was clouded again. But, now I can go inside my heart and connect to Love, which is actually Source/God/Infinite Intelligence, any time I like.

So if you desire the ultimate connection, you can have it. It is inside of you. Maybe you need to clean out some garbage before you will find it. Or, you may need to spend time going inside to connect with it. Just know that it is always there for you, and it is who you are. One of the most important things to understand about this earthly journey is that you are here to remember who you are. 

You are LOVE! 

You Are Love

If you desire the ultimate connection, start focusing inside of your heart center. That is where you will find it.

Begin with an intention like this: 

I now connect with the love inside my heart center. 

This statement signals your human mind to start looking for love inside. Then watch the magic begin! 


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