You Are God/Source Energy

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As I enjoyed my morning walk I came upon this beautiful turtle just standing in the grass next to the canal in my neighborhood. When I noticed him, I stopped to see what message he had for me. The turtle never moved and sat perfectly still. As I communicated with him, he seemed to say "Be still and know." "Know what?", I pondered. And then the verse from the bible came to me. 

Be still and know that I am God... 

Then I immediately knew what the message was REALLY about... 

Say it to yourself! Be still and know that I am God. Say it out loud! 

This is not about looking outside of yourself. You are meant to know that you are God energy! You are Source energy! You are a creative force! You are infinite intelligence! You are all that is! You are pure love! You are pure joy! You are pure peace! You are abundance! You are health!

Even Mr. Turtle is God energy. The grass and plants and dirt around him are all God energy. I am God energy! You are God energy. 

Each and every person on this planet is God energy. Do you believe that? There is no way to integrate that universal truth without being still. It is impossible to know who you really are when you cannot still your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The REAL power that you have access to comes from being still and knowing who you truly are. You are not your mind, body, or emotions. You are a powerful being living in the third dimension on planet earth with access to all of the power of the multiverse, and that power is in your heart center.

So take some time to be still and know that YOU ARE GOD! Let it sink in! Ask for validation!  Be still and know! 


Happy International Women’s Day


Energy Update - September 2020 - Soul Expansion