Breaking Up with Your Stuff  

Why It's Hard and How to Make it Easier

Ever notice how parting ways with your car can feel as intense as a dramatic breakup? Or how selling your house seems like you're abandoning a part of your soul along with that outdated shag carpet? It is oddly difficult to let go of the things we love, whether they're alive, have once moved, or just sat decoratively on a shelf.

Our attachments run deep, etched into our psyche by our subconscious mind's silent but persistent train tracks. Sometimes, clinging to these things is about comfort. Seeing that old car in the driveway can feel like a reassuring nod that all is well in your world.

But then there are times when a loss, even of something seemingly trivial like a favorite coffee mug, can feel like a gut punch to your abandonment issues. These intense reactions are rarely related to the present circumstance. It's like suddenly all your past farewells have lined up to wave "hello" again, and it's all happening for a reason.

And it's not just about the living things. Those inanimate objects? They're practically characters in the story of our lives. That tattered book or the bike you never ride is more than just taking up space. They are chapters of your identity...your ego. Saying goodbye to them can feel like tearing out pages of your epic saga.

So, the next time you're attempting to declutter and find yourself wrestling over whether to keep that old, stained baseball cap, you know, the one you never wear but somehow love—remember, it's not just a hat. It's a piece of your existential puzzle. Letting it go might tug at your soul strings. But remember, everything that triggers you is a signpost along your journey. The signpost is clear and potent. It is coming up for a reason: to clear out the old, painful patterns that cause your suffering. The signpost is allowing you to see clearly that you have buried your trauma, sadness, loneliness, and fears, and it is now time to see them, allow those feelings to arise, acknowledge them, and let them go!

Here are 7 easy steps to take when the “Let Go” signposts appear.

  1. Notice the Feeling: Zoom out like you do on your computer or phone. Pay attention to your emotional reactions without judgment to identify your feelings. Accept that you are triggered.

  2. Express the Emotions: Share your feelings through talking, writing, or art to alleviate emotional burden. Screaming in nature is a great release for the intense emotions. Guess how I know this?

  3. Open to the Deeper Pattern or Trauma: Explore underlying issues or patterns contributing to your pain, possibly revealing deeper traumas. Childhood is a great place to start.

  4. Forgive: Release resentment by choosing to forgive those involved, aiding your emotional release. Remember, forgiveness isn't always instantaneous. The intention is to get the ball rolling. Forgiveness will integrate when you are ready. 

  5. Seek Professional Help: Consider consulting with professionals like energy healers, coaches, or therapists to guide your healing process. Use your intuition to attract the healing modality that will work best for you.

  6. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind, patient, and gentle with yourself, recognizing that healing is a process that requires time and self-care. This is your journey to experiencing more self-awareness, freedom, and power.

  7. Let Go: Now that you see the "real" difficulty, like Nike says, "JUST DO IT"! Whatever it is, let go. The object represents these deeper patterns and hurts you hold on to. Letting the physical thing go will anchor the frequency of acceptance, freedom, and power into your body. And, when that triggers you, Lather... Rinse...Repeat! Go back to step one. You have just opened Pandora's Box of "How to Heal Yourself"!

If you need additional support navigating these steps, I offer Multidimensional Energy Transformation sessions and teach powerful, effective tools to clear your pain and underlying patterns. We will address your healing holistically, targeting your mind, emotions, body, and spirit, as well as other lifetimes, timelines, and dimensions.

Contact me at to schedule a session or find out more about my 14 week Freedom Power Process. I am here to assist you on your journey to healing.


Lucid Dreams & Rapid Transformation