How to Find Your Way - Check Your Compass

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One of my favorite movies of all time is the original Pirates of the Caribbean flick where Captain Jack Sparrow carries around a compass that does not point north. Everybody mocks him and thinks that he is crazy for trusting his “broken” compass. Yet, what his invaluable guide points toward is what the person who holds it really wants! Better yet, it is magical and is always accurate! Wouldn’t you love to have a compass like this? How would that change your life, decisions, relationships, and future? How easy would it be to know which direction to sail toward in this sometimes confusing journey of life?

The good news is that you do have a magical compass! This compass is easy to find, and is 100% accurate! It always points to what is in your best and highest good. It’s sturdy, easy to carry with you, and it is free! Your magical compass is right there in your heart. This compass is YOU! The REAL you!

You may ask if the real me is my compass, why can’t I use it? What is keeping me from seeing it and knowing my best next steps or life path? What is hindering me from getting a pinpoint heading?

Interestingly, most of us have been taught to distrust our magical compass. We have been programmed to listen to our minds, logic, emotions, and even our physical bodies to guide us. Sometimes we end up even further off course by listening to people in our lives such as a partner, family, friends, co-workers, teachers, etc.

Think back over your life. Were there times when your heart pointed you in a direction that you did not follow, and then, later, you found that it would have been the better choice? Or was there a time when, if you had trusted your heart, you would have followed a different direction? Have you shut down that voice within because limiting beliefs have told you that what you had desired was unattainable or even “crazy”? Have you covered your compass up with old energies of fear, pain, trauma, grief, or loss?

Well, Matey, your compass is still there just waiting for you to use it! It may be hidden, dusty, or just plain still right now, yet you have the ability to pull it out, clean it up and start watching where it points once again! Start by getting out of your head and dropping your awareness into your heart. That’s where you connect with Source/God and the true you. You are a co-creator with Source, and when you connect into that place inside your heart center, your magical compass will spin again!

Now think back to a time before the world told you what you could and couldn’t do. What were those childhood dreams? There is NOTHING that was in your heart that you were not meant to manifest even now! It may be that age is now a factor, and it seems impossible to get what you had once wanted. There is still a way to capture the essence of those desires. Just ask Source to guide you to create the desires of your heart and start following the direction of your magical compass today. When you live in that space, you become the magnet of your heart’s desires.

Let the synchronicities begin!



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