Conciousness Coach, Healer, & Teacher of Metaphysics

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Feeling Bad? You May Be Releasing Trauma

We are living in an unprecedented time of clearing old, stuck trauma. The multiverse is flooding us with high-frequency light, and many times we suddenly feel the old energies arise intensely as they release. This can be extremely uncomfortable. How do you know if this is what you are experiencing?

  • Are there times that negative feelings arise and overwhelm you for no apparent reason?

  • Do intense feelings of sadness, sorrow, grief, or fear come up, and it seems that nothing is going on in the present time to cause these feelings?

  • Are the memories of past traumas coming into your awareness seemingly out of nowhere?

If the answer is "yes" to any of these, it is most likely that you are releasing old trauma! Hurray!

This may not "feel" like something to celebrate, and when you are going through it, it seems like the opposite is true. Your mind searches for the meaning and may attach to these feelings in its attempt to figure out what is wrong. You may even be thinking "What the *%$# is wrong with me?" when these emotions arise. What you are feeling are the old emotions and trauma energies bubbling up to clear out. Many times a trigger has occurred that you just are not aware of. This is all a part of your awakening and ascension!

This happened to me yesterday as I was pulling out my sewing machine and ironing board to work on a project. I had not touched the machine for months and decided it was time to get creative on a rainy, Virginia day. As I set everything up, turned on my iron, and began cutting out my fabric when an overwhelming emotion came over me. Understanding how energy works, I knew that something had come up to release, and yet, even for me who knows how this all works, it was still difficult to manage. The feelings were INTENSE!

I kept thinking that the awful feelings had something to do with the sewing machine. My mind was making its best attempt to figure it out. That is what the mind tries to do. The key is that it really doesn't matter. We don't have to know the "why." The less we attach to what the mind is doing, the easier it is to let go. Yet on went my mind,,, "I used to love to sew. What is wrong with me? Can't I even enjoy sewing any more?" (Oh. the drama of the mind!) The feelings were so uncomfortable that I almost put everything away, but I decided at that moment to push through the feelings and keep working on my project, trying my best to enjoy it. Little did I know that I was releasing core, childhood traumas!

Within about an hour I began to feel some better and most of the strongest emotions were gone. It was a relief when they had passed, yet I still felt uneasy for the rest of the day. This morning some clarity started to surface. I realized that it was not the sewing machine that had triggered my mind, memory, and trauma release. It was the iron! A memory flashed before me! When I was ten years old, I was upstairs in my childhood home in the tiny, craft room ironing my dad's handkerchiefs. It was a snowy, winter day in Pittsburgh and dusk had settled in. Ironing was one of my favorite things, as I loved making those hankies smooth and perfectly square. I heard the doorbell ring, and what I heard when the door opened was earth-shattering. My brother's best friend was screaming, "Ronnie got hit by a car, and he's dead!"

My heart immediately left my trembling body. I ran down the stairs as my parents were grabbing coats and running out the door. "Cathie, turn everything off and go to Mrs. Simmon's (our neighbor)." With that, my parents were gone, and I was left alone to secure the house and somehow cope with the news that I had just heard. I can't remember what happened next as everything from there on is still a blur. I shut off everything, including the iron, and locked the front door, and headed to the neighbor's home two doors down. At that point, I had to tell everyone in that household what had happened. I did not cry. I made a joke about it and remember the oldest boy who was about seven years old saying that I was being mean. Mrs. Simmons, who was such a kind lady, explained to her child (and Ronnie's best friend) that I was just trying to cope with what had happened. It was probably the next day when I found out that my brother was not dead, but that he did suffer a severe head injury. My parents were at the hospital for weeks staying with him, and I barely saw them. Even after my brother came home weeks later, nothing ever got back to normal for over a year. He had to be protected from any bumps to the head and was not allowed to play with any friends. None of this was easy for the rambunctious boy that we once knew, nor for any of the rest of us.

While chatting with a friend today and recalling what had happened, including my understanding of what I had released, I became aware of a deeper piece of the puzzle. It was not just the shock of the incident or the aspect of how it changed my life at ten years old that had released. There was something much bigger than all of that.

All during this past summer, I had been releasing abandonment energies as I have been spiraling up the ascension ladder, and this was another in that line. Interestingly, after the accident, my brother was never the same. My parents had said for years that his personality had totally changed and that he was a "different person" afterward. It was only a few months ago, as I was clearing various abandonment energies, that I experienced an eye-opening revelation about my brother related to this very accident. My brother is a walk-in! For those who may not know what a walk-in is, it is a soul that comes straight from the astral plane into an existing body after the original soul that had been living in that body has exited. This usually happens during extreme trauma. This is an agreement between the two souls, and basically, they just switch. My parents were correct! My brother was not the same person! He was a completely different soul living in that body after the accident!

All of a sudden what I had cleared yesterday made complete sense. My brother .. the real, original brother, who incidentally, was the only person in my nuclear family that I felt connected to as a child, had left me. I had been abandoned! Not only had I experienced abandonment by my brother, but my parents abandoned me when they ran out the door and were barely able to care for me over the next weeks and months. This is not to say that everyone didn't do what they had to do at that time. As an adult, I now understand that people react in the best way that they can in emergency situations. Yet, my ten-year-old self suffered much trauma that day... trauma that stuck very deep in my being, and those energies of abandonment lived on in my body, emotions, mind, and spirit for over fifty years. As tough as it was to go through the experience of clearing that trauma yesterday, I am so thankful that the energy is now gone for good!

So, remember, whether you know what is happening with you or not, now is the time of release and restoration like never before. You are ascending! Many times you may not understand what is happening as traumas release. Some of them may be from this lifetime, yet the majority of what is releasing is from alternate lives and dimensions that you may not have any recollection of. What comes up is meant to come out! The key to going through this aspect of your transformation is trust. Know that you are safe. Know that your mind will freak out and try to figure things out or attach to the feelings. Know that there are times that you will think you are losing it! All of this is OK. You are OK. This is a part of your ascension. This is how we rise!

How to cope with trauma release...

1. Observe and allow the feelings to come up. This is an automatic process!

2. Be gentle with yourself as you experience the feelings. Rest, meditate, or get into nature if you are able. Avoid any numbing activities like drinking, drugs, TV, video games, extreme exercise, etc.

3. Watch the mind and let go of its chatter and attempts at figuring things out.

4. Allow the energies to flow out like a leaf floating down a rushing stream.

5. Remember that this is part of your ascension. Your soul has divinely orchestrated this event.

6. Call upon the Archangels, your guides, St. Jermaine and the Violet Flame, and the Supreme Being to support you with multidimensional light energies.

7. If the release becomes overwhelming, call someone who understands this transformation process. Everyone needs support at times. (If you need help clearing the energies, I am here to help.

8. Once this release passes, fill in with golden light and enjoy the spaciousness in your body, mind, and spirit! You are rising!

I have been guided to share my stories and my ongoing journey with you. It is my intention that this will bring clarity, comfort, and understanding to you!

...and it is 4:44 as I finish!